Some work examples from times I was invited to collaborate on a particulllary intersting project.

VOLUME#1. Art for a Wine and music project from Gil Correia and Dina Camacho.
VOLUME#1. Flyer displaying the art.
VOLUME#2. The second edition of the Wine and music pairing project from Gil Correia and Dina Camacho.
MONSTERMINE. Cover art for the album “You can be human”.
MONSTERMINE. Detail of the art for the album “You can be human”.
MONSTERMINE. Detail of the art for the album “You can be human”.
MONSTERMINE. Cover art for the album “long armed boy” .
TSHIRT. Art for a t-shirt project that unfortunately did not materialized.
MUSIC BOX. Art for monhtly agenda of a night life project by Gil Correia.
ALDEIA DE PEDRALVA. Official Map for the traditional village turned into hotel, located in the Algarve.
ALDEIA DE PEDRALVA. View from the street.
ALDEIA DE PEDRALVA. Inside view from one of the cottages.

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